What Are QR Codes?
You've probably seen these just about everywhere now. These odd looking squares are popping up just about anywhere you can think of.
They are called 'QR' Codes (abbreviated from Quick Response code) and are a type of matrix barcode (two-dimensional code) designed to be read by smartphones. The QR code consists of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. The QR code's encoded information may be plain text, a URL, or other data.
The real question is - What's the benefit of these QR codes? Why do we use them and why were they even created in the first place? The answers is simple - they are an easy and simple way to deliver information to someone via a smartphone. You can send them to your webpage, offer them a message etc. Just by scanning this little square with a QR code reader.
All your potential visitor, or client has to do is scan the QR code with their smartphone's barcode reader (downloadable from the Android Marketplace or iPhone Appstore) and their phone's browser will instantly be directed to the webpage you've designated.
Now, get your smartphone out and scan our QR code!